Today is the last day of my week off...a rainy day fit for nursing my sore back and possibly working up the motivation to dust my transformers collection before returning to work tomorrow! Because of this, I barely managed to scrape together my favourite comics for the week back on Tuesday and have absolutely nothing prepared for today!
That's okay...the universe provides. Here's a short list of things that I think are cool from the last week:
1. On Tuesday, I woke up to realize that I had not smoked a cigarette in over a year!! Labour Day, 2011 was the last day I ever smoked tobacco! Of course I talked about that HERE...This week was SO much better than that one! I never realized it before, either, but I have to thank my fellow Fruitless Pursuits writer, Suzanne, for being the first one to recommend rewards for doing well in my quest not to smoke. This led to my famous comic-book-rule...using my nerdiness against (or rather FOR) myself by replacing an addiction to nicotine with an addiction to DC Comics! As you probably know, I started reading comics when I stopped smoking, right in time for the beginning of the New 52...I made a rule that if I smoked during a week I could not buy that week's comics. The collector in me cannot have that...thus, I have every issue of each comic I collect for the last year, and haven't smoked a puff. Phew!
2. You know how I love to support independent musician and artist Danielle Fricke, right? We've all seen her videos and heard her awesome album, "Hello Little World". Well, for a while now she's been working on a new project with her new band, Snow Mantled Love! All of their hard work has paid off, as....well, listen to the lady herself tell it:
3. I've been up to the cottage my Grandfather built before my father was even born a few times this summer, most recently this week. This seems unremarkable, unless you consider that this summer is the first time I've visited the place in a decade! That's a long story, but suffice to say that those days are now gone. It's great to see the place again...a place that's been near to my heart since before I even started forming memories...the first times I visited were as a tiny of my favourite photos ever is of me and my grandfather in the boat when I must have been 1 or 2 years old at the most...Making the Cottage the only consistent real estate/backdrop to my life in all of these years. There's nowhere else in the world that I visited as a toddler that I can still go back to now...
4. My this is long! Not to worry. I came up with a few new ideas over the course of the week. Some of them may end up on the Internet! Stay Tuned!
Well there you have it...back to work tomorrow, assuming I can rotate my back, which didn't like the car ride home yesterday...must be getting old...oh well. Have a good week! Peace and love in September and Always...
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